Is Dust Choking The Life Out Of Your Air Conditioner?

26 June 2017
 Categories: , Articles

A major part of keeping your home clean is keeping dust at bay, whether it involves vacuuming your carpets, dusting off shelves, or wiping down other areas where dust tends to collect. However, these aren't the only places where dust can build up over time. Your air conditioner is also vulnerable to dust buildup, and excess buildup could easily spell trouble for its performance and longevity. The following explains how dust buildup can affect your air conditioner, what warning signs to look out for, and how you can prevent excess dust from ruining your unit. Read More 

Having A Central A/C System Installed? Steer Clear Of These Expensive Mistakes

12 June 2017
 Categories: , Articles

A new central A/C system can seem like an expensive investment, which leads many homeowners to find ways they can cut corners just to save a little money. However, this often leads to several mistakes being made throughout the installation process. Here's a brief list of expensive mistakes that you and your HVAC contractor should avoid if you want to save money and have your A/C installation go off without a hitch. Read More 

Hot Water Recirculating Systems Give You Hot Water When You Need It

19 December 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you need to wait for what seems like forever for hot water to reach your faucet, you may have assumed that your hot water tank is failing. The truth is the amount of time it takes for hot water to reach your faucets doesn't typically reflect the condition or efficiency of your hot water heater. It is more likely due to the distance your hot water needs to travel to reach your faucet. Read More 

How Old Is “Too Old” For Your Air Conditioning System?

10 August 2016
 Categories: , Articles

Some things are meant to last forever, but your home's air conditioning system isn't one of them. There is such a thing as your A/C system being "too old" for your home, especially when it comes to overall performance and efficiency. The following explains what old age can do to your A/C system and why you'd want to make the switch to a newer A/C system. How Age Affects Your A/C System Read More 

How To Unclog A Toilet When You Have Arm Weakness

6 April 2016
 Categories: , Articles

For many people, unclogging the toilet consists of grabbing the plunger, and then moving the apparatus up and down to remove the obstruction stuck in the bowl. This often requires steady and forceful plunging to release the clog, and for those who have arm weakness, using a plunger is next to impossible. Read the information below to learn three simple ways to get rid of a toilet clog when you lack strength in your arms. Read More