Air Conditioning Options For Older Homes

26 December 2018
 Categories: , Blog

The traditional split-system air conditioner remains one of the most popular forms of cooling for most homes. However, these systems require plenty of space to accommodate their massive ductwork. If you happen to own a vintage home built long before the advent of central air conditioning, then you may be hard-pressed to make room for new ducts or risk changing the character and originality of your home. Fortunately, there are plenty of alternatives that let you preserve your older home's character and historical provenance. Read More 

Tips To Keeping Your Home Warm And Fresh This Winter

20 November 2018
 Categories: , Blog

As winter rolls into town, everyone starts looking for ways to keep warm. Are you ready? Do you know what to do to get your home ready for the chilly weather? Here, you'll find a few tips to help you prepare your home for winter and keep the air from getting stale as you're locked inside for months. Schedule a Furnace Cleaning The furnace must be cleaned at least once each year. Read More 

How Your Furnace Filter Affects Furnace Performance

11 October 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Most homeowners don't think about their furnace filters, especially when the furnace is working smoothly. But a simple filter can have a tremendous impact on your furnace's overall performance, efficiency, and even longevity. To get a good idea of how your air filter affects your furnace, here are a few key factors to keep in mind. A Clogged Filter Can Cause Complications All furnaces need an ample amount of airflow in order to operate properly. Read More 

Staying Cool At Home In A Hot Region

13 September 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Living in a hot region is nice because you rarely have to go through the discomfort at home that comes with living in a cold house. However, hot regions can also cause discomfort if you don't have anything available that can keep you cool on the exterior or interior of your home. If you are ready to buy a house in a region that is usually hot, there are certain features you should ensure that it has for your comfort. Read More 

HVAC System Air Conditioning Problems

13 August 2018
 Categories: , Blog

One of the things that helps many people fall asleep at night is the cool air from an HVAC system. Adjusting to sleeping in the heat can be difficult when a central air conditioner breaks down, and portable fans are not always helpful when a house is too hot. Repairing a problematic air conditioner sometimes only requires the minimum work being done to return to producing cold air. However, many of the problems can be resolved a lot faster if a professional technician is hired to handle the repair. Read More