4 Signs Your Home’s Boiler May Need To Be Repaired

7 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Many homes rely on boilers, which utilize hot water and steam to heat a residence, to stay warm during the winter months. Like any major appliance in a home, as a boiler ages, it may stop working properly and need to be repaired. Knowing the signs of common boiler problems can ensure that you can quickly arrange for repairs to be made. Some signs that your boiler may need to be repaired include: Read More 

Live In An Older Home? When You Should Upgrade The Electrical Panel

30 October 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you live in an older home, chances are the electrical wiring is older too. It is important that you keep the electrical wiring updated, however, as old, and outdated wiring could result in an electric house fire. One thing you need to check is your electrical panel. Once it gets past a certain age, it needs to be upgraded so it can handle the electric power in your home. Below is more information about this so you will know when it is time for you to call all electrician: Read More 

Plumbing Nightmares: How To Tell That Someone Didn’t Know What They Were Doing

29 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Plumbers did not always have the level of education and training they do now. In fact, indoor plumbing of a hundred years ago was fairly new, and so were plumbers. It was a "fly by the seat of your pants" sort of career, and just about anybody who could use a wrench and screw things together did. When plumbing contractors walk into these historical plumbing nightmares now, it is a wonder that anything can be fixed. Read More 

Things To Consider When Getting A New Air Conditioner

10 September 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Air conditioners are essential for keeping indoor temperatures comfortable whenever it begins to heat up outside. Throughout much of the country, air conditioners are a must inside the home. Like many appliances throughout the home, air conditioners do have a lifespan. The average air conditioner will run for about 15 to 20 years before needing to be replaced. If it's time for a replacement, there are a few things to consider before purchasing a new air conditioning system: Read More 

How Does Humidity Affect Your Heating And Cooling System?

29 August 2017
 Categories: , Blog

The settings on your heating and cooling system are not the only thing that will affect how comfortable you feel inside your home. Another factor is the level of humidity. This will affect heating and cooling needs in unexpected ways. Humidity and Air Conditioning For your air conditioning system, you are likely to notice a distinct difference in comfort when the air is too humid. Hot, humid summers aren't fun for anyone. Read More